Friday, January 19, 2007


The PRICELESS program has taken off! The more time I spend here, the more I see the need for this training to occur. Marianne and I each have about 17 girls that are going through the abstinence course. Marianne's girls are 11-14 years old and mine are are 15-18 years old. The girls are really excited and attentive students as they are so intrigued and ready to learn. There are many things that we will be continually ironing out, but I feel great about how it is coming together thus far. The problems of worthlessness, being hopeless, child abuse, payment for sex, rape, and multiple wives have caused pain that runs deep. I want nothing more than to see these girls break the chains of this cycle of fear and hopelessness. I want them to really believe in Jesus as their Father, Lover, Healer, Friend, Hope, and Savior. They need to know that they are valuable and loved by God...the rest will follow. Will you pray that these girls understand the material that is so new to them. Will you also pray that they are able to attend all the meetings. I believe God's hand is molding their hearts to recieve him and honor their bodies. Abstinence and faithfulness within marriage is a Goliath that hasn't been really phased yet. With God's power we can be like David and defeat this darkness with these girls. Satan has no power and God will be victorious. If you would join with us in prayer and petition over these girls we would appreciate it very much!
Love- Bethany

Their names are as follows-
Bethany's class:
Rachel, Scovia, Jenifer, Esther, Grace, Agness, Sarah, Jennifer, Judith, Eunice, Rukia, Betty, Scovia, Judith, Babra, Harriet, Judith

Marianne's class:
Collin, Scovia, Brenda, Gloria, Emma, Stella, Margaret, Brenda, Brenda, Sarah, Jilian, Polly, Jacqueline, Rebecca, Monica, Lilian, Dilish, Barbra

Thursday, January 18, 2007

GOD is the winner!

Greetings from very warm northern Uganda! God is definately blessing us with the sun these days. Here is a little story about how BIG our God is...
Thursday while having a clinic in one of the camps, a young woman with a baby approached me for help. Her 1 year old daughter, Sharon, had been sick for 2 weeks. The child appeared very fraile and had difficulty breathing. We decided to transport the mom and child to the closest health facility. The child's condition worsened drastically on the bumpy 2-hr ride to the hospital. Upon arrival at the hospital, the mother said she had been feeling sick and began having seizures. I hurried to grab the baby as the mom's arm went limp. She denied ever having had a seizure before. Then the little baby started convulsing too. The mother, Susan, started saying in her language, "Satan, leave me alone. You will not take my child from me." Over the past 2 days, the child's condition hasn't improved much and she is still very critical, but we have had a chance to get to know the mother better. She claims to be Catholic but has never accepted Jesus as her Savior. Susan is obviously overwhelmed with fear. In our conversation today we realized that when she was young, her aunt put a curse on her and said if she ever had a daughter, the daughter would die. Susan had believe this all these years. She was gripped by fear as Sharon is her only daughter. Today, Walter, our pastor visited her at the hospital and spent some time talking to her. He told her of God's power to wipe out curses and promised to never leave her or forsake her. Today, Susan expressed her concerns and fears and made the life-transforming decision to surrender to Christ. GLORY!!!!! I am going to the hospital now to visit her again. Please pray for little Sharon's health and that God would heal her little body. Also please lift up Susan that the peace of God will guard her heart and mind in Christ Jesus. I can't help but think of one of the most popular worship songs here in Uganda. It says over and over "Satan you are a loser but our God is a winner!!" It's true! Thanks for your love, prayers and support!! I'll keep you posted. OUR GOD IS BIG!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007


Greetings from Uganda and Happy New Year!
We hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. We're excited to get back to work and see all that God has in store for 2007! We are so thankful for each of you, your prayers and support. Please keep it all coming! There is so much to do!

--This is us in our front yard.

Back row L-R: Jackson, Bethany, Bonny, Rachele, Polly, Jaden, Denis

Front row L-R: Alex, Nicole, Shaunessy, Marianne