We all know that there are storms in life. One of our favorite things in the Lira house is to gather at the front porch if there is a rain storm. We love it when the power goes out and we can stop everything and go to be with the Lord. We watch as the lighting flashes showing the beautiful trees with their distinct leaves and rain before us. The light is so bright and so many details are displayed. The thunder makes us jump at times as we feel the power of the storm. The rain washes the day away, provides for the harvest, and delights our soul. The thunder and lightning display His power, and strength. We stand in awe of His majesty and are humbled before Him. We sing praises to God as the storm wages. We sing to the Lord and tears and joy come to us. We are so small and unworthy before the Lord yet He loves us,and fights for us. The rain storms help remind us who our God is. Sometimes in the storms of life God is glorified. There are so many more things that make us stand in awe, wonder, and delight before the Lord. This is just one of them. Sometimes we just need to open our eyes to see Him.