Monday, October 20, 2008
It's Official!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Pay It Forward
Throughout this journey we were constantly encouraging the mother to love this baby and not give up hope. It was a hard road to walk because it seemed that she had distanced herself from Tracey as though she was afraid to love any more deeply, knowing that she may lose this precious child.
On my last day in Lira, I wanted to visit Tracey one more time. Amazingly, not only did I get to see her, but I got to be there as she was discharged from the hospital! I was able to hold this little one, who had made definite improvement. I was so aware of God’s grace to allow me to see the impact that we had been able to make in this baby’s life. As we drove the family to the nearby bus station to get transportation back to their village, Jackson talked with Tracey’s parents. They kept asking him what they could do to repay us. Jackson told them “when you go home tell the people in your village 'this baby is alive because of the power of Jesus Christ’”. When they asked again what they could do, Jackson told them, “The next time you see someone in need, hurting or dying, don’t forget what was done for you. Love them and support them as you have been supported.”
Something changed in Eunice, Tracey’s mom, that day. She held her baby closer, looked at her with different eyes. I think she finally allowed herself to love again.
Please continue to pray for Tracey and her parents. Her life is still so fragile as she still weighs only 2.2 kgs (4 lbs 13 oz). Pray that the love of Jesus Christ that they’ve experienced will continue to grow in them and through them.

Baby Tracey with chubby cheeks now. Looking so much healthier!