Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The truth shall set you free...

There is no way to describe what a beautiful morning it is here in Uganda! It is burning up already but we are praising God for the cool breeze. The trees are starting to bloom, the grass is becoming green again and Becky, Corrie and I have been digging in our soon-to-be garden. Anyway I know that is hard for many of you freezing in a snow drift in Colorado to believe. Hope you all are doing well!

Just a quick request...I would greatly appreciate your prayers the next two weeks. After many months of research, meetings, more research and more meetings, we are beginning some HIV and syphillis testing in the camps these next 2 weeks. We are praying that many will come and agree to be tested, husbands will agree to come and get tested also, and that we will be able to get access to the drugs we need to help if they test positive. There hasn't been any testing thus far in the areas we are working, so everyone is just guessing as to what the rates are. I am so tired of guessing and assuming. I just want to know the truth. In some sense I believe the truth will set me free; free from guessing and free to help in the best way! Thanks for caring and praying!

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