This is a picture of girls who have graduated the Priceless program in Onoro Primary School. They are in the middle of a drama competition, which is part of the follow-up program being managed by our Priceless Director, Jolene. We want to reinforce what they have learned in the Priceless program as well as evaluate their level of knowledge. Events like this draw a large
crowd, so it also becomes a great learning experience for other students as well as the many parents, teachers, and community members present. This particular event had nearly 300 people in attendance at one point.
In this particular act, the girls are portraying a scene at a bar where a boy is pushing a girl to come home with him. Later on in the play, she agreed, but then found her life became much more complicated as a result. She contracted HIV from her encounter and was dealt with harshly by her parents. She eventually died in the play. Even though it is portrayed in the form of an entertaining drama, it is a grave matter and one that is important enough to hammer on again and again. In this setting, it allows the girls to get creative. They are judged by Priceless teachers on their content and how much of the Priceless curriculum they incorporate into each drama. At the end, each participant receives a small gift of pencils and notebooks for school, and the school received Bibles and a small netball in the name of the winning team.
We also share scriptures with the crowd and teach them the underlying reason for this program...that God values us enough to send His Son to die so that we could have new life in Him! Because of the priceless value we have in Christ, our right response is to love and respect our bodies.
The events are a fun, rich time for all. I pray the truths portrayed in the dramas stick with people in a way that words alone cannot.
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