Monday, October 20, 2008

It's Official!!!

Praise the living God!!!  After over two years of paperwork and red tape, three different lawyers, sweat, effort, and much intense prayer, we have finally been approved as an official Ugandan NGO by the government of Uganda!!!  I don't even know how to contain myself!  God is faithful, that's all I can say, and He deserves all the fame!  The implications of this status are vast and far-reaching.  Basically, it means that our work here in northern Uganda can continue to expand and grow MUCH more freely as the Lord guides us to serve more and more people who need to know the love and hope of Christ in a tangible way.  Pictured here is the official Certificate of Registration, which is a key that will unlock many doors as our activities and plans are carried out in partnership with the Ugandan government.  I almost couldn't believe it until I saw the certificate with my own eyes.  I feel like a burden of a thousand tons has been lifted off of my back.  Again, praise God!  His faithfulness endures forever!  (Ps 117:1-2)



Dee7 said...

Great is His faithfulness! Praise the Lord!

Jen J. said... Whoa. Wow. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's about as articulate as I can be right now cuz I'!
Wes, nice work getting it done!!

Ife said...

Exciting News!
How sweet the physical manifestation of what had been expected for so long.

madre said...

Thanks so much for your persistence and hard work in getting this. (Also, for no big payoffs.) The path in Uganda now is limitless with all the things we can do to help people!